Allister Ferguson

Typography Motion Graphics

Posted in Animation, Typography by allisterferguson on November 13, 2009

Typography Motion was a video I found while looking for animations, its originally from Nick Schrunk website. If you want to watch it in “HD” Vimeo

Joakim Jansson

Posted in Designers, Typography by allisterferguson on July 16, 2009


Provrum Art Agency & Gallery

Identity for Provrum Art Agency & Gallery in Malmö, Sweden.
The logotype was featured in book Los Logos 4.


Digital Etikett

Logotype pitch for a print house that specialize themselves in printing etiquettes and labels.

Link: Joakim Jansson

Remember the good old modular shape days, do you still find yourself walking down the street and saying to yourself “dam that’s some good modular shapes” well i was on and found a link to Joakim Jansson (Swedish graphic designer) and that very same thought came into my head. These are two examples of Joakim Jansson work that i have picked out of an inspiring collection (link above).

In our quest at the time we all must have came across something like Provrum Art Agency & Gallery example of modular shapes, it’s not the most groundbreaking design but i thought it was well executed and that i show you guys.

I couldn’t put my finger on it at the time but the Digital Etikett’s font greatly reminded me of something that i had seen before and then it hit me Karla Burns bubblegum font. I enjoyed the diagram on the left showing how it all came to be, I sat there examining it and comparing the two images as it all became clear.

Is it time to reflect? yes i think so, well i guess what I’m trying to say it “bring on the typography”